Harvard Law Review cites Pynchon
jbor at bigpond.com
jbor at bigpond.com
Fri Apr 29 18:40:24 CDT 2005
A "Note" in a recent issue of the _Harvard Law Review_ refers to
_Vineland_ in its concluding paragraphs (pdf available):
'The Impermeable Life: Unsolicited Communications in the Marketplace of
Ideas'. _Harvard Law Review_ 118.4, Feb. 2005, pp. 1314-1338.
Focuses on the allowance and protection of unsolicited communications
as a safeguard for what is termed as the central constitutional goal of
creating a deliberative democracy. Need for persons to be exposed to
unsolicited communications; idea behind a private space; steps that
should be taken to preserve the role of unsolicited communications in a
While it's only a brief reference, a couple of paragraphs in total, and
it inaccurately describes Zoyd as "a former '60s activist", I'd say
it's pretty unusual to see a literary text cited as a precedent amongst
all the other legal ones in this particular journal. The topic of the
exposition is quite interesting too.
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