Another novel list then

kelber at kelber at
Thu Aug 11 12:52:40 CDT 2005

When's the deadline?

---Original Message-----
From: David Gentle <gentle_family at>
Sent: Aug 11, 2005 9:20 AM
To: pynchon-l <pynchon-l at>
Subject: Another novel list then

I guess there was some consensus that the last top novels list did not serve 
any useful purpose so I propse another one.
This time I want you to come up with the novels that you consider to be 
essential for a Pynchon reader (other than Pynchon's novels themselves). You 
can propose any number as long as you keep it reasonable. This time you 
don't have to specify an order. Just come up with a list you're happy with 
(that won't take me an age to type in).
List of novels.
Any number so long as it's not that many.
No rankings necessary.

What do you think?

David Gentle 

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