Nation, Language and the Ethics of Translation
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at
Wed Aug 24 15:31:34 CDT 2005
Bermann, Sandra and Michael Wood, eds.
Nation, Language and the Ethics of Translation.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2005.
In recent years, scholarship on translation has moved
well beyond the technicalities of converting one
language into another and beyond conventional
translation theory. With new technologies blurring
distinctions between "the original" and its
reproductions, and with globalization redefining
national and cultural boundaries, "translation" is now
emerging as a reformulated subject of lively,
interdisciplinary debate. Nation, Language, and the
Ethics of Translation enters the heart of this debate.
It covers an exceptional range of topics, from
simultaneous translation to legal theory, from the
language of exile to the language of new nations, from
the press to the cinema; and cultures and languages
from contemporary Bengal to ancient Japan, from
translations of Homer to the work of Don DeLillo.
All twenty-two essays, by leading voices including
Gayatri Spivak and the late Edward Said, are
provocative and persuasive. The book's four
sections--"Translation as Medium and across Media,"
"The Ethics of Translation," "Translation and
Difference," and "Beyond the Nation"--together provide
a comprehensive view of current thinking on
nationality and translation, one that will be widely
consulted for years to come.
The contributors are Jonathan E. Abel, Emily Apter,
Sandra Bermann, Vilashini Cooppan, Stanley Corngold,
David Damrosch, Robert Eaglestone, Stathis Gourgouris,
Pierre Legrand, Jacques Lezra, Françoise Lionnet,
Sylvia Molloy, Yopie Prins, Edward Said, Azade Seyhan,
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Henry Staten, Lawrence
Venuti, Lynn Visson, Gauri Viswanathan, Samuel Weber,
and Michael Wood.
Sandra Bermann, "Introduction" (pp. 1-8)
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