New Books

Toby G Levy tobylevy at
Wed Aug 24 21:55:51 CDT 2005

Why do you suppose that Martin Amis put up Pynchon and C.P. Snow as
literary opposites? I was flipping through Amis's "The War Against
Cliche" in a bookstore when I saw this.


> C. P. Snow once remarked that not knowing the second law of 
> thermodynamics is like never having read Shakespeare. Yet, while 
> many people grasp the first law of energy, "Energy can neither be 
> created nor destroyed," few recognize the second, "Entropy can only 
> increase." What is entropy anyway, and why must it increase? Whether 
> we want to know how a device as simple as a refrigerator works or 
> understand the fate of the universe, we must start with the concepts 
> of energy and entropy.

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