Roger Mexico

Keith McMullen keithsz at
Sun Dec 4 14:14:29 CST 2005

Perfect name for a Jessica Swanlake lover:


Inflected forms: rog·ered, rog·er·ing, rog·ers
Chiefly British Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with (a woman). 
Used of a man.
 From  Roger, spoken representation of the letter r, short for  
received. V., from  Roger, penis, from the name  Roger.

"Mexico" is said to be  from a Nahuatl word.  The Nahuatl people were 
also known under the broader term of Aztec.  It is from the Nahuatl 
that we get words like coyote and tomato.  They built a huge city on an 
island in the middle of Lake Texcoco, which used to lie where Mexico 
City is today (it has since been drained).  As many as 300,000 people 
lived there, and they traveled between the island and the mainland via 
several large causeways (causing very little smog in the process).  One 
name of this city was Metzthixihtlico.

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