Roger Mexico

John Doe tristero69 at
Sun Dec 4 17:55:45 CST 2005!...and not to mention that a penis is a
rocket symbol as well...
As for Mexico, there's also a more personal, more
pedestrian "meaning" for Pynchon's choice of that
word; he went to Mexico and lived there briefly and I
think, though I may be misrecalling here, that he
underwent painfull dental surgery there of
course such a salient memory would be grist for
playfull nomenclature...

--- Keith McMullen <keithsz at> wrote:

> Perfect name for a Jessica Swanlake lover:
> rog·er
> Inflected forms: rog·ered, rog·er·ing, rog·ers
> Chiefly British Vulgar Slang To have sexual
> intercourse with (a woman). 
> Used of a man.
>  From  Roger, spoken representation of the letter r,
> short for  
> received. V., from  Roger, penis, from the name 
> Roger.
> "Mexico" is said to be  from a Nahuatl word.  The
> Nahuatl people were 
> also known under the broader term of Aztec.  It is
> from the Nahuatl 
> that we get words like coyote and tomato.  They
> built a huge city on an 
> island in the middle of Lake Texcoco, which used to
> lie where Mexico 
> City is today (it has since been drained).  As many
> as 300,000 people 
> lived there, and they traveled between the island
> and the mainland via 
> several large causeways (causing very little smog in
> the process).  One 
> name of this city was Metzthixihtlico.
> (from

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