GRGR: Zipf

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Mon Dec 5 09:04:56 CST 2005

> It can furthermore be shown that either from speech-sounds,
> or from roots and affixes, or from words or phrases, that the
> more complex any speech-element is phonetically,
> the less frequently it occurs.

I applied the following sed scripts to convert the already
[a-z]* character sequences of GR and KJV to simple lengths
(x), or alternating vowels and consonants (~syllables) (ab).




  19891 x
 130850 xx
 221476 xxx
 175827 xxxx
  95514 xxxxx
  52680 xxxxxx
  39415 xxxxxxx
  24782 xxxxxxxx
  16642 xxxxxxxxx
   7495 xxxxxxxxxx
   3836 xxxxxxxxxxx
   1702 xxxxxxxxxxxx
    873 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    349 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     89 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  17374 x
  55985 xx
  72168 xxx
  61683 xxxx
  42247 xxxxx
  29609 xxxxxx
  24730 xxxxxxx
  16247 xxxxxxxx
  10135 xxxxxxxxx
   5407 xxxxxxxxxx
   2562 xxxxxxxxxxx
   1540 xxxxxxxxxxxx
    717 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    219 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    148 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     28 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  18132 a
 145923 ab
  18993 aba
  27169 abab
   2264 ababa
   9534 ababab
    600 abababa
   2168 abababab
    311 ababababa
    369 ababababab
      2 abababababab
  14003 b
 128876 ba
 254205 bab
  49221 baba
  79233 babab
   8953 bababa
  22779 bababab
   3658 babababa
   4621 babababab
    165 bababababa
    257 bababababab
      1 babababababa
      5 babababababab

  10183 a
  52101 ab
   5521 aba
  13165 abab
   2094 ababa
   4907 ababab
   1028 abababa
   1819 abababab
    276 ababababa
    305 ababababab
     18 abababababa
     16 abababababab
      1 ababababababa
      6 ababababababab
      1 abababababababa
  10430 b
  45680 ba
  99346 bab
  23092 baba
  47267 babab
   5728 bababa
  12764 bababab
   2099 babababa
   2430 babababab
    158 bababababa
    348 bababababab
     12 babababababa
     37 babababababab
      4 bababababababab
      1 babababababababab
      1 bababababababababababa

Is there anything to be seen therein?

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
Copyleft(!) Forward freely.

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