Literature Talk

lsavage at lsavage at
Thu Dec 15 13:58:05 CST 2005

Echoes C.S. Lewis (In "An Experiment in Criticism"):

"I suggest that a ten or twenty years' abstinence both from the reading and from 
the writing of evaluative criticism might do us all a great deal of good."

Quoting Joel Katz <mittelwerk at>:

> now that's some senile, curmudgeonly bullshit.
> >From: "Ghetta Life" <ghetta_outta at>
> >
> >Philip Roth: Let's Shut Down The Literary World:
> >
> >"I would be wonderful with a 100-year moratorium on literature talk, if you
> >shut down all literature departments, close the book reviews, ban the 
> >critics. The readers should be alone with the books, and if anyone dared to
> >say anything about them, they would be shot or imprisoned right on the 
> >spot. Yes, shot. A 100-year moratorium on insufferable literary talk. You 
> >should let people fight with the books on their own and rediscover what 
> >they are and what they are not. Anything other than this talk. Fairytale 
> >talk. As soon as you generalise, you are in a completely different universe
> >than that of literature, and there's no bridge between the two."
> >
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