missing "The Glory Days"

Keith McMullen keithsz at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 3 09:45:53 CDT 2005

There's always a technical reason. The listowners are not sitting 
around reading and blocking posts. Considering the complexity of all of 
these computers interacting via a myriad of ISPs it is a wonder it 
works as well as it does.

On Jul 3, 2005, at 7:25 AM, jbor at bigpond.com wrote:

Interesting that -- as information contained in one legitimate Playboy 
article about Pynchon is misquoted and misrepresented while a 
first-hand statement that a second Playboy article purporting to be an 
"interview" with Pynchon is actually a fake is swept under the carpet 
-- neither of those original two posts ever showed up on the list. No 
explanations, no "technical" problems. Just two -- at least two -- 
blocked posts.

File under 'Things that make you go hmm'.


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