AW: AW: Paul Harvey's Tribute to Slavery, Nukes, Genocide

Paul Taylor neon.taylor at
Mon Jul 4 03:18:07 CDT 2005

My guess is that America really hasn't gone all sugary sweet; we're
still the only country to drop nuclear bombs on anyone- that
generation is still around, in fact.  We've invaded more countries
this century probably than any other (even Germany?  Possibly,
certainly since the last great unpleasantness).  The invasions of
Afghanistan (seems so long ago, doesn't it?  A half-awake dream?) and
Iraq have caused quite a bit of death and destruction, I believe, not
as much as the first flash of neutrons dancing, but more like the
cyclic, persistent, and growing pangs of fallout, spread over huge
areas of the world, affecting those not directly involved.  Sugar and
spice?  Snips and snails?  More Oil and Guns (sorry for lacking
alliteration).  Insidious, longer half-life (could have been shorter
except for last elections), back-lash included.

Happy Fourth.


ps- and how about the new G8 matters?  Farewell to Kyoto?  Why can't W
play nice with the other children, share his toys?

On 7/3/05, Dave Monroe <monropolitan at> wrote:
> Whereas even I have a hard time believing that got
> past whoever he works for in that sense.  I'm not
> keeping up with it, but, in thar case, I hope there's
> enough of a ruckus to force either a clarification, an
> apology or a pink slip.  Trying to see the best in
> people, but ...
> --- Otto Sell <ottosell at> wrote:
> >
> > I don't see any remorse about the past in Harvey's
> > words, only the attempt to justify present and
> > future crimes by past crimes. It's the social
> > Darwinists attitude shared by the Nazis too.
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