AW: Paul Harvey's Tribute to Slavery, Nukes, Genocide

Meg Larson megley1 at
Mon Jul 4 07:58:46 CDT 2005

Clarifying the clarifying:

>I should've clarified myself.  While Harvey's comments were upsetting to 
>me, still, even tho' I'm prolly as cynical as I'll ever be, what really 
>bothered me was the censorship by Disney/ABC of Moore's Bush-bashing and 
>not something as blatantly stated as Harvey's comments.  When he said that 
>we have missiles in the silos and we're pussies for not using them, that 
>was a bit much for me.
(Theme song from _Team America: World Police:_
"America--fuck yeah!
We're here to save the mutherfuckin day!)

> Which really shouldn't, when one considers that Disney sees ABC and ABC 
> News, in partick, as its very own public relations channel.  As long as 
> delusional Eisner's in charge, that is.
> I guess what really disturbs me, after all, is Disney.  Period.

> Happy Blow Shit Up Day,
> M.

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