AW: AW: Not Just About Iraq (Was: London)

barbara100 barbara100 at
Mon Jul 11 13:14:45 CDT 2005

Well, I'm with you, Keith. You're not "equating" one bad reaction with 
another;  you're just admitting there's a cause and effect. When you 
bully someone over and over and over again--beat them up, take their 
milk, their lunch money, torch their house--eventually they're gonna 
fight back. And if they can't fight themselves, they're gonna get their 
big brother Osama to do it for them. 

And I'm  appalled at how appalled people are over these attacks. Fifty 
people lost in London. Very sad, but how does that compare to the 
estimated 100,000 innocent civilians lost in Iraq alone? Mostly due to 
the US's indiscriminate bombing? Tell me again, which one is "more 
wrong"? Where is our sense of perspective?


Ghetta Life wrote:

> Well said.
> Ghetta
>> From: Rcfchess at
>> to equate a bad solution (Bush etc.) with irresponsible murder of 
>> innocents on a mass scale (terrorism), as keithsz is apparently 
>> doing, is not only to compound the problem (2 wrongs don't make a 
>> right, especially when one is much more wrong) but to virtually 
>> justify  criminal acts of the worst kind by simplistically reacting 
>> with non-thinking  rhetoric, as the terrorists themselves do, and 
>> claiming justification for the  worst possible acts. That's totally 
>> irresponsible, as well as relatively mindless.
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