NP - Cloud Atlas

Bekah bekah0176 at
Tue Jul 12 21:30:52 CDT 2005

At 4:22 PM -0700 7/12/05, Joe Barrera wrote:
>Bekah wrote:
>>  I'm just back from vacation and am catching up. I tried to read
>>  Cloud Atlas and found it very difficult going. I put it back on the
>>  shelf around Chapter 6. Then someone encouraged me to listen to it
>>  on digital. I did and it was much much easier going. I actually
>>  enjoyed most of it. (g)
>Huhmp -- found reading Cloud Atlas (and C o Lot 49) very easy reading.
>Easier than Infinite Jest and much easier than most of Pynchon's work
>(e.g. GR). Perhaps it's a matter of taste.

It was the dialect in print (Sloosha's Crossing, pg 239) that finally 
messed me up.  I enjoyed a couple of the chapters to that point but 
60 pages of:

  "Old Georgie's path an' mine corssed more times'n I'm comfy 
mem'ryin' an' after I'm died, no sayin' what that fangy devil won't 
try an do to me ... so gimme some mutton an' I'll tell you 'bout our 
first meetin'.  A fat joocesome slice, nay, none o' your burnt wafery 
off'rin's. "

was too much after 230+ pages of all sorts of other dialect styles.

Now, after listening to it on tape,  I totally enjoy it.  And it's 
easy enough to read, too.   I can "hear" it better.


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