how do Africans contribute to African poverty?

terrence oflattery terrenceoflattery at
Wed Jul 13 14:10:30 CDT 2005

If you have lots of poverty, say in Mississippi, you can grow out of it with capital investment, labor, technology.  democracy won't hurt, but it's not essential.  free trade is essential. 
but how do you get mississippi-poverty out of mississippi? it's not simply political. or economic. or technological. it's social, demographic, familial, personal, cultural. insurance companies and banks can teach us lots about death and poverty. rock & roll celebrates the beee Koe, jimmy, janis, only the good die young, but insurance companies have built commerce-cathedrals on mortuary tables and life expectancy spread banking. 
poverty is fairly simple to a blues man, i be cold and hungry, ragged and dirty too. 
but there ain't nothin simple about poverty. if there wuz, we da been done wit a long time gone now.    

terrence oflattery <terrenceoflattery at> wrote:

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