Moody: A Hoax Called Wanda

jbor at jbor at
Wed Jun 22 03:43:56 CDT 2005

A couple of articles of interest (pdf):

'A Hoax called Wanda: the woman who would be Pynchon' by Rick Moody.
_The Village Voice_ New York, May 6, 1997, pp. 44-46.

Not sure if it was ever made available here or even acknowledged 
before,  but I fully agree with Moody's viewpoint.

There's also a little piece on the same pages as Moody's by Thomas 
Goetz entitled 'Pynchon's Web of Influence', which has this to say 
about the p-list of old:

"[...] Yet for the true devotee, the Pynchon e-mail list is a must. 
Part gossip about the author, part rumor feeding on _Mason & Dixon_ 
('The obvious conclusion to draw with regard to _Mason & Dixon_ is that 
it should centre on the Internet as the next logical progression 
[and/or regression] in the chain of communication media ... '), part 
underused master's degrees on display, pynchon-l at scrutinizes 
'Tom', as he's roundly referred to, so microscopically it's little 
wonder he's afraid to show his face in public. [...]"

Also available: plain text version of Moody's piece ('Forgetting 
Pynchon') from the recent _Bookforum_ issue.


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