foucault madness & language (a little help, please)

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Thu Jun 30 12:53:02 CDT 2005

You sure you're not thinking of Gilles Delueze on
Foucault?  E.g., Gilles Deleuze, Foucault (Trans. Sean
Hand.  Mpls.: U of Minn P, 1997).  Let me know ...

--- On 6/30/05 7:51 AM, "terrence oflattery"
<terrenceoflattery at> wrote:
> imagine yourself in a stranger in a strange land,
> maybe it's the fourth world, maybe it's your first
> time. you don't speak the language. can make you
> mad in a hurry. 
> foucault talks about this sort of thing.
> where?_

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