P list vs. entropy

jbor at bigpond.com jbor at bigpond.com
Sat Mar 12 02:36:19 CST 2005

On 12/03/2005, at 2:35 AM, David Meury wrote:

> He refers to it specifically by not mentioning it.
> Haven't you read Saussure and Derrida?

Nah, that's a bum rap. Only on the pynchon-list is that sort of 
aberration de rigueur. We all know the drill:


"Like Lucy and Ethel - if you're ever in a jam!" (p. 67)

Main Entry: jam
Function:	noun
Definition: a food made by boiling fruit and sugar to a thick 
- jam·my  /'ja-mE/ adjective
For More Information on "jam" go to Britannica.com
Get the Top 10 Search Results for "jam"


Followed up by a 6 month long daily web log of "journalism" from 
www.bitchslap.com and www.nonsensefrenchconspiracytheories.com ranting 
about how the plane never really flew into the Pentagon and condemning 
American foreign policy on the grounds that Pynchon's "Lucy" is an 
encoded reference to the illegitimate third grand-niece of a guy who 
was once George Bush's chauffeur, twice removed.


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