NP Beyond Chutzpah

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Sat Oct 1 19:19:45 CDT 2005

I'm not sure how I feel about Finkelstein.  The
Holocaust Industry was one of those things I read
perhaps just so I'd be prepared to disagree with it,
but it turned out to seem, at least, reasonable, IF
Finkelstein had his facts straight (that I'm not in a
position to say much on, so ...).  Thta's not to say I
agree wit him, but ...

But I don't recall that he in any way, shape or form
challenged teh accepted facts of the Holocaust itself,
just the ways in which it has been evoked in various
contexts and, he'd argue, for various purposes, to
various ends.  I of copurse could not help but feel
that his work could be taken up, esp. via
misinterpretation, wilful or otherwise, for certainly
anti-Israeli, and possibly even antisemitic (not QUITE
the same thing) ends.  Speaking of use and abuses ...

But I think y'all realize that I often simply post
notice that certain books simply exist, because they
seem of interest.  Usually, if I've read 'em already,
i'll post something of the text I think might be
useful/relevabnt/interesting/whatever as well, but ...
but I haven't even read teh PDF file there, which is
Finkelstein's introduction ...

The blurb, of course, is from the publisher's website.
 I include these things for those of you not inclined
to pop open the URLs I usually provide as well (I've
also found it's useful for those occasions sites
simply disappear, I'm glad to have quite a bit of text
in our archives I might not otherwise recover).  I'll
see if I can get to the book soon, but, again, it is
along the lines of recent discussion here, so ...

--- davemarc <davemarc at> wrote:

> Here's some of what Alan Dershowitz writes about
> Finkelstein (his vociferous critic) at
> "Finkelstein is a Holocaust revisionist who is
> lionized by neo-Nazis for his absurd claims that a
> worldwide Jewish conspiracy exists, headed by Steven
> Spielberg, Leon Uris, Elie Wiesel, Daniel Goldhagen
> and others.  Almost no one-except neo-Nazis-takes
> him seriously."

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