pynchon-l-digest V2 #4493

Cometman cometman_98 at
Mon Oct 3 21:36:35 CDT 2005

>From: "Joel Katz" <mittelwerk at>
>Subject: Re: Big Bang?

>>From: "Tully Rector" <tully_rector at>

>>Theists make a claim: "the concept of God is exemplified in the real 
>>Atheists make a claim: "the concept of God is not exemplified in the 
>>real world"

>this is poo.

This is a great list!
Inarguably there are processes going on to create matter and life.  For
convenience, consider the set of all processes and entities.

All-inclusive, it must therefore include that which is known as God.
What is the profit of taking a subset and considering it as a master
and creator of, superior to, the whole set?  

The fun, if you will, of an idea is working out its implications: what
shall we then do?

If it means accepting the idea that the universe is a very, very big
place, which I don't remember creating, and looking for ways to do good
things and help my brethren and sistren, then let's have a God.

If it means defining the divine subset using my incomplete knowledge,
giving up critical thought, and exalting my group as natural masters
with a duty to impose our canon on the unwilling, let's not have a God.

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