Whole Lotta Lit

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 4 14:57:06 CDT 2005

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

1,000+ classic tales
Whole lotta lit

Penguin's complete set of 1,082 classics will set you
back nearly 8 grand

By Tamara Ikenberg
tikenberg at courier-journal.com
The Courier-Journal

There's no question that the massive "Penguin Classics
Library Complete Collection" contains some pretty
heavy reading -- 700 pounds of it, to be exact.

The 1,082-book offer retails for $7,989.50 on
Amazon.com. Add 90 feet of shelf space, and your
friends surely will marvel that you own every
Shakespeare play and three different editions of
"Beowulf." ...


There are two or three authors, though, including
Thomas Pynchon, still living.



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