Western Science

John Doe tristero69 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 6 18:12:05 CDT 2005

If it has no effect on how one operates, then how the
fuck do we know "it"'s there? And if we don't
experience this non-thing, why would you even surmise
such a "thing" exists? Sounds like lame
rationalization to me.....we "hear" about such odd
Eastern ways of thought ( or non-thought, to make it
sound sophmorically sexy )read a few gurus who claim
to mean something by this wild use of metaphor, and
just accept it on blind faith....hmmmmmmmm....that's
not open minded- that's slavish aquiessence to an
exotic View....too many people are suckers for exotic
views, in my arrogant opinion...and there's almost
something patronizing about it all; like, They can't
really do physics as well as we can, or build rockets
as well as we can so, gee, let's assuge our White
Colonialist Gulit by making them out to be oh SOOOOOO
mystically in tune with Reality....let's "interpret"
their remarks as indicating a Higher way of
perceiving... and why stop there? let's  endow them
with even BETTER understanding of sub-atomic
interactions then even the cream of the crop at
CalTech and MIT....gosh, we poor poor Westerners are
just SOOOOOOOOOOO clueless.....where would we be
without all that meditation? And where would the Dhali
Lama be without thick eyeglasses brought to him by
Western technology?

--- Keith McMullen <keithsz at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> it isn't a state of mind, and it has no affect on
> how one 
> operates.....it is more effective to not experience
> it than to waste 
> time imagining convincingly.....
> On Oct 5, 2005, at 4:54 PM, John Doe wrote:
> ....but you never stop and
> attempt to imagine convincingly just HOW such a
> state
> of mind would actually operate in a person's real
> life....

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