Hitting Below the Mason -Dixon Line

Will Layman WillLayman at comcast.net
Fri Oct 7 16:50:04 CDT 2005

I'm just being the voice of reason here.  A LOT OF PEOPLE don't like
Pynchon's writing.  MANY people think his novels are bloated, pointlessly
complex and not that funny.  Smart people can disagree.

I happen to love Pynchon's work.  I adore it and love it and want to eat it
for dinner.

But also dig Harvey, with his everyman, no-bullshit view of the world.  And,
you know what?  His dialogue is a lot more realistic and nuanced than

-- Will

On 10/7/05 5:43 PM, "Rcfchess at aol.com" <Rcfchess at aol.com> wrote:

> In a message dated 10/07/2005 5:42:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> WillLayman at comcast.net writes:
>> It goes without saying that I do not agree with Harvey.  But to be fair, that
>> critique was written from the classic Pekar point of view and ‹ while I think
>> it reaches the wrong conclusions at every turn ‹ it should give us all a fair
>> notion of how Pynchon is viewed by a "regular guy" reader, and a smart one at
>> that.
> How smart can he be if he thinks that ALL of TRP is crap?!?

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