serendipitous lowbrow deconstructions

Rcfchess at Rcfchess at
Sat Oct 8 09:52:00 CDT 2005

In a message dated 10/08/2005 10:48:57 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
kelber at writes:

My kids  tell me that the hot new phrase used to indicate that something is 
desirable  ("cool" to an oldster like me) is "it pwns" -- variously pronounced 
"pwins,"  "pawns," or "p-owns."  They think it derives from an on-line typo 
("pwns"  instead of "owns") that caught on like wildfire, virtually overnight..  
Somewhat akin to how LOL, IMHO, etc. entered into common  usage.

Kind of scary that a stupid typo can become a  cultural phenomenon, 
especially overnight...but I guess there's no review board  on these things...
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