theme and grand scheme

Bekah bekah0176 at
Sun Oct 9 10:50:35 CDT 2005

At 1:32 AM -0700 10/8/05, Cometman wrote:
>  >new readers of
>>Pynchon seem to pick Vineland off the shelf  and read
>>that novel FIRST ( mebbe cuz like, it has, like, a
>>TOtally crunchy-granola kinda resonance and
>>connotations of like Greenpeace, redwood forests and
>>save the whales, dude! )..and so they get their first
>>exposure to his writing from arguably his weakest
>> those who don't probably don't get past the
>>Pirate Prentice Banana breakfast yeah you
>  >have brought up some very good contingencies here...

Well, weakest writing or not,  that's how I came to Pynchon and it 
didn't seem to hurt me. (although some say...) 

In other news,  my favorite Pynchon song (should that be a thread?) 
is always and forever "Wacky Coconuts."   Too bad there's no music 
award suitable to the talent.  I mean,  if Dylan wins the Nobel, 
can't Pynchon win the country music award or something - anything? 


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