The Sadness of America

Bekah bekah0176 at
Sun Oct 9 13:02:16 CDT 2005

At 7:59 PM +0300 10/9/05, Cyrus wrote:
>M&D p. 345. Sorry, no time to type it right now. Hope ... despair 
>... all that could have been...

Oh yeah!  Thank you!   Good stuff:   :)

"Does Britania, when she sleeps, dream? Is America her dream? - in 
which all that cannot pass in the metropolitan Wakefulness is allow'd 
Expression away in the restless Slumber of these Provinces,  and on 
West-ward, wherever 'tis not yet mapp'd, nor written down, nor ever, 
by the majority of Mankind, seen, - serving as a very Rubbish-Tip for 
subjunctive Hopes, for all that may yet be true, - Earthly Paradise, 
Fountain of Youth, Realms of Prester John, Christ's Kingdom, ever 
behind the sunset, safe till the next Territory to the West be seen 
and recorded, measure'd and tied in, back into the Net-Work of Points 
already known, that slowly triangulates its Way into the Continent, 
changing all from subjunctive to declarative, reducing Possibilities 
to Simplicities that serve the ends of Governments, - winning away 
from the realm of the Sacred, its Borderlands one by one, and 
assuming them unto the bare mortal World that is our home, and our 

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