pynchon-l-digest V2 #4508

Geocoda at Geocoda at
Sun Oct 9 20:33:33 CDT 2005

This rhetoric about scientific method being purely self-correcting is just a 
positivist's wet dream. Proposing hypotheses and testing them is a valuable 
technique, but hardly the comprehensive definition of truth some people claim. 
Einstein said imagination was more powerful than knowledge, and described the 
importance of dreams in his work.

The problem with scientism is that it undervalues anything 'science' in its 
current state does not understand. Some contemporary physicists say string 
theory can't be true for the simple reason that no experiment can ever prove it 
false. What kind of reasoning is that? (Hint: not inductive.)

Put down that petrie dish and read your William Blake: "What now is known was 
once only imagined." Paradigm shift, anyone?

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