pynchon-l-digest V2 #4509

John Doe tristero69 at
Mon Oct 10 16:45:53 CDT 2005

I buy my Ben & Jerry's from the supermarket....but I'm
glad you know a few; and I'm sure they are much cooler
than the folks who go around spraying Deconstruction
lingo to impress their hippie-chick girlfriends...

--- Geocoda at wrote:

> yeah, i know a few scientists. a friend of mine used
> to head up star wars 
> over at doe. and, a couple of guys out a skunkworks.
> oh...and a guy on the face 
> transplant team. i'm sure they're not as hip as the
> people you hang with at ben 
> and jerry's, tho.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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