John Doe tristero69 at
Mon Oct 10 17:40:05 CDT 2005

yeah..yeah..well..y' time you do something
like glance down at your speedometer so you can see
what speed you are going, you should just disregard it
from then on and say to yourself; " Fuck this
empirical shit! I'm gonna Zen my way through this! Yes
indeed! A- and when that cop pulls me over for
speeding, I'm gonna cleverly Deconstruct his
accusation! Fuck yeah! Ossifer ossifer ; I was not
speeding and I think YOUR reliance on technology to
verify such an accusation against me is pure misguided
Western Mumbo Jumbo!....wha?..hey! get those fuckin'
cuffs off me! I - hey! that hurts! stop!!!"...

--- jbor at wrote:

> ... mirrors and smoke ...
> best
> On 11/10/2005, at 8:05 AM, John Doe wrote:
> > as
> > long as of course someone doesn't try to insist
> > particle physicists should, say, suddenly shift
> gears
> > and take a Wholistic approach when they operate
> the
> > linear accelerator at Stanford....does that make
> > sense?  I mean, would you ask a football player to
> > bring a violin onto the field in hope it will
> charm
> > the ball into receiver's hands?...this Eastern
> Stuff
> > is like that; it doesn't work or do what need s to
> get
> > done when we are asking a question we want a
> > quantitative answer to...

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