The Sadness of America/Intelligent Design (multi-thread)

Keith McMullen keithsz at
Tue Oct 11 09:54:31 CDT 2005

natural disasters are the result of the disobedience of Adam and 
Eve......the designer in His intelligence didn't want
His created to be pawns so He Gave them free will......then He kicked 
their asses when they chose to snub Him.......

On Oct 11, 2005, at 7:01 AM, Rcfchess at wrote:

I still ask: why is the concept of Intelligent Design being applied 
ONLY to evolution? Seems to me that the idea should be universally 
applicable, no? In that case it would be fair to ask where the 
"intelligent design" is for hurricanes, floods, fires, tsunamis...of 
course, these questions are never posed, because the answer would be an 
embarrassing silence. But then one would have a right to question the 
idea of ID in the first place, and of course we can't do that...

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