The Sadness of America/Intelligent Design (multi-thread)

Keith McMullen keithsz at
Tue Oct 11 11:14:02 CDT 2005

i do not believe in free will.....any discussion of such requires a 
lengthy detailed exchange of broad strokes it is simple to 
illustrate a plethora of examples of personal things which we have no 
free will regarding......a microscopic examination of the things common 
sense tells us we are freely choosing causes them to evaporate as 
well.....a microscopic examination of the very existence of a separate 
entity able to make so-called choices causes that to evaporate as 
well.......things are not as they seem to common sense......but common 
sense is a thinks things are just so fucking 

On Oct 11, 2005, at 9:01 AM, Rcfchess at wrote:

In a message dated 10/11/2005 11:40:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
keithsz at writes:
> Americanism is founded on a
> generous dose of Puritanism and is therefore a special case of
> Christian predisposition.....the belief in free will in America is
> largely traceable to the underlying Christian will
> is not a human will is a conceptualization believed
> by some and not by othersHah?
"Christian predisposition" would seem to me to be the opposite of free 
will, not in tune with it.
Also, I disagree about free will not being a human condition, unless 
you really believe - which I doubt (?) - in such predisposition. Me, 
I'm an existentialist, though of the spiritual inkling (kind of like 
Kierkegaard, but not Christian, if that makes any sense...)...

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