sadness of america/bad postmodernism
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at
Tue Oct 11 16:19:47 CDT 2005
>From Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, Fashionable
Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science
(New York: Picador, 1998), "Introduction" ...
"Let us emphasize that these authors differ
enormously in their attitude toward science and the
importance they give it. They should not be lumped
together in a single category, and we want to warn the
reader against the temptation to do so. For example,
although the quotation from Derrida contained in
Sokal's parody is rather amusing, it is a one-shot
abuse; since there is no systematic misuse of (or
indeed attention to) science in Derrida's work, there
is no chapter on Derrida in this book." (p. 8)
Too much fun, not enough read, apparently ...
--- John Doe <tristero69 at> wrote:
> I have the book that article was made into, and I
> recommend it to every Derrida-head out there: It's
> titled "Fashionable Nonsense", and does a
> blow-by-blow citation of certain Lit Crit Gurus
> who abused the terms and meanings of science in
> their writings...good stuff..if anything, I find
> Sokal to be TOO apologetic; like he's trying to
> correct the mistakes and gross misuse but also
> ameliorating the hurt feelings of Post-Modernists
>'s a fun read...
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