Updike, eh?

Rcfchess at aol.com Rcfchess at aol.com
Wed Oct 12 17:53:56 CDT 2005

In a message dated 10/12/2005 6:36:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
malignd at aol.com writes:

<<  You assume a lot of crap, such as that no one on the list has read  
anything by Eastern philosophers.>>

I said no such  thing.

OK, now you're lying. You said something like "how  many of you have read 
these works [referring to what had been mentioned, which  was Eastern 
philosophy]? None of you." I distinctly remember that "none of you"  as being your words, 
because it stood out as being ridiculously assumptive; as  though you could 
possibly know what people on the list - which is, incidentally,  worldwide - 
had read. Completely ridiculous.

<<He's not a bad writer; in fact he's a good writer. Great?  No way. >>

You're an idiot.

Now you're getting into infantile territory, which  is, I assume, where you 
belong. Aside from being downright nasty to call a  person such a term, and 
aside from the fact that I am probably much smarter and  more well-read than you, 
it's absurd to call someone a name because you disagree  with their literary 
tastes. But, being a presumptive asshole, you wouldn't know  that. Go away, 
little man.
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