New Scientist 8th Oct

jporter jp3214 at
Wed Oct 12 22:10:07 CDT 2005

I dunno, Mike, seems a little paranoid. What could these
charismatic zealots really be up to? Pretty soon, the scientists
will be hunkered down in the same bunker with Hugo Chavez,
eyes peeled for christian commandos- carrying the latest
technology, 'a course.,1280,-5340492,00.html

It must be somethin' bout Shit, Money and the Word, but
damned if I can figure it all out. Strange times, indeed.


On Oct 12, 2005, at 1:28 PM, Mike Weaver wrote:

> Interestingly enough last week's New Scientist had a special feature 
> on fundamentalism. Four articles including one on scientific 
> fundamentalism.
> On the pushing of ID here's the start of the relevant article.
>> THEIR aim is to destroy science. They seek "nothing less than the 
>> overthrow of materialism and its cultural legacies". Who are they? 
>> The words come from a think tank called the Center for the Renewal of 
>> Science and Culture (CSC) in Seattle. But they reflect the ideology 
>> of a much wider network of funding foundations and lobby groups 
>> dedicated to overthrowing "scientific materialism".
>> Science has always been good at making enemies; it's an occupational 
>> hazard of success. But never before has the enemy been so devious and 
>> dangerous. These plans to reverse the march of science come not from 
>> a group of backwoods zealots, but from an orchestrated, clever and 
>> well-funded campaign. Whether or not scientists relish the prospect, 
>> they have a fight on their hands.
>> Any serious attempt to understand the campaign against science starts 
>> with a manifesto entitled "The Wedge Strategy", which was leaked from 
>> CSC's parent organisation, ...

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