intelligent design's soft landing

hamlet ghostuv ghostuvhamlet at
Thu Oct 13 13:13:14 CDT 2005

it seem to me that america is trying to design a soft landing 
so that the fall, not the fall of adam, as suggested, but the fall of man during and after the scientific revolution, is not so hard to accept. 
consider the language; "intelligent design". 
god is smarter than man. god's computer and his programs are more like 
those of aliens only better and faster and capable of holding the universe. humans have fallen hard, lost their divinity, their monstrosity, their special place in god's world.  loss of this type, always produces great sadness.  and nothing, not an hundred hummers humming, not a strillion strummers strumming, not a brazillion brazilian bundas bumping ...can't make that sadness go away. well, not right away anyway. so why is america so sad? america is more machinelike than anywhere in the world. america, borrowing friedman's metaphore, has not olive tree. america is just car bodies rusting. there is no sacred ground, no root. america is a parking meter, a disneyland. stuffed with coins and cotten candy, americans are soft and sad and searching for or waiting for a landing. 

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