The alien hypothesis?
John Doe
tristero69 at
Sun Oct 16 23:03:59 CDT 2005
I seriously doubt any sensible scientist considers
humans "supreme beings"; Stephen J.Gould never tired
of reminding readers that Darwin implied "never say
'higher' or 'lower' " when comparing creatures - each
animal has the stuff it needs to make it best suited
to it's survival needs... a human is no "higher" than
a clam from this vieew of life...
--- jbor at wrote:
> On 15/10/2005 Otto wrote:
> > All these estimations necessarily must go wrong
> because we have no
> > single piece of "evidence" of any other
> "developed" life somewhere
> > else.
> I think the scientists working in this field would
> argue that the
> development of life on earth is all the evidence
> that is required to
> form the hypotheses.
> [...]
> >> it's a little but egotistical, if not downright
> solipsistic, to
> >> assume for oneself the mantle of supreme being in
> all of existence.
> >
> > Indeed, if there's a more intelligent species than
> mankind on our
> > planet it might have been so intelligent to hide
> this fact (or itself)
> > before us!
> Well, no, I meant elsewhere than this planet.
> Opposable thumbs seems to
> have been the big breakthrough here.
> best
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