Time's 100 best English-language novels (1923 - present)

Mark Douglas douglas.mark at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 23:58:02 CDT 2005

Neuromance didn't surprise me much. Snow Crash - wtf? Kazuo Ishiguro's
latest novel? McEwan's Atonement? And seriously, The Corrections???
Others would likely argue with my list, also - I wouldn't have necessarily
thought of The Moviegoer, but seeing it doesn't rise the hackles as much as
seeing Updike there.



On 10/20/05, David Gentle <gentle_family at btinternet.com> wrote:
> >
> > Bad Inclusions:
> >
> > Snow Crash - Stephenson
> > Nueromancer - Gibson
> >
> > Not *BAD* novels, but not all-time-best either.
> Neuromancer is hugely influential. It's arguable that the internet would
> not
> be as popular as it is without it.
> DG
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