The alien hypothesis?
John Doe
tristero69 at
Fri Oct 21 18:45:31 CDT 2005
"physico-social" force? This is a bunch of confused,
arbitrary metaphyscial gobbledygook..."replaced" in
what sense? What exactly is an "objectivist"? I never
met one - have you? Please introduce me to one...only
an idiot posing as a scinetist would try to make sense
of Newton's laws of motion reinterpreted in social
forms...that simply means we make cute metaphoric
descriptions comparing particle motion with human
activity; poets and fiction writers have excelled at
that for decades..."from the world beyond
itself"???....wha? abstract "carrier" would not
be abstract if borrowed form particle physics; it
would have to represent a presumed REAL force or real
matter....I can't even bother with the's
seductive, and makes your brain go oooooo- cool..but's
it's not talking about anything tenable...
--- jbor at wrote:
> "[...] what may need to be replaced in nature, in
> order to establish
> a social explanation of natural phenomena, is the
> objectivist concept
> of insentient physico-chemical forceby an
> empirically equivalent
> sentient physico-social force. The resulting
> theory of SAC-mediated
> phenomena is subjectivist rather than objectivist,
> but it nevertheless
> is Newtonian in form (mathematically) because it
> still is determined by
> his laws of motion reinterpreted in social rather
> than physical terms.
> Physico-social force is simply that influence or
> power arising within
> anyone or anything that responds to information
> received from the world
> beyond itself, whose response in turn tends to
> reciprocally influence
> the world beyond via information that it itself
> disseminates in some
> manner.
> The abstract carrier of the physico-social force
> thus conceived, to
> borrow a concept from particle physics, and in
> contradistinction to the
> insentient objects of the objectivist world of OEC,
> is essentially the
> Leibnizian monad (Rutherford, 1995:124-175)a term
> here signifying
> any material body (or the elements or parts thereof)
> that exhibits
> sentient behavior, whether in actuality or only
> apparently, whether
> human or non-human (in Latours usage), whether
> living or
> non-living. However, Latours actant is
> essentially the same thing in
> SAC and will be used in place of Leibnizs monad. As
> interpreted here,
> the actant: (1) is an innate sentience and
> intelligence that underlies
> all existence, (2) is simultaneously both subject
> and object, (3) is
> manifested through agent causation rather than event
> causation, and (4)
> encompasses both humans and non-humans to include
> all systems and
> subsystems thereof down to the elementary particle
> level. [...]" (Zaman
> 2001)
> Cf. also Felipe and those "Sentient Rocksters" in GR
> (pp. 612-3).
> best
> > See also, e.g.,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Cf. "[...] there's a feeling about that
> cause-and-effect may have been
> > taken as far as it will go. That for science to
> carry on at all, it
> > must look for a less narrow, a less . . . sterile
> set of assumptions.
> > The next great breakthrough may come when we have
> the courage to junk
> > cause-and-effect entirely, and strike off at some
> other angle." (GR
> > 89)
> >
> > best
> >
> > On 19/10/2005 Otto wrote:
> >
> >> This reminds me of Jonathan Culler's "On
> Deconstruction. Theory and
> >> Criticism after Structuralism" (Cornell Univ.,
> Ithaca, New York,
> >> 1982). Maybe you should check the second chapter
> "Deconstruction" for
> >> Nietzsche's reversal of cause and effect where it
> is shown how the
> >> cause is imagined after the effect has been
> suffered. Got it only in
> >> German.
> >
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