"...but it's all theatre." GR, p.1

jporter jp3214 at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 24 06:54:30 CDT 2005

Well, maybe not quite... It would depend, perhaps, on
whether it really is "too late", or whether, this time, it
really is the end- the end of so many beginnings-
suspended here, momentarily, within the infinitely
divisible cusp of time just before waking. How inclusive
is the integration- the summing of potentials- to be this
time? Yes, it has happened before- the end of a day; the
end of a year, war, decade, era- the end of  a paradigm?

The gradual seepage of light, the barely discernible faces,
the awareness of others consigned to this level, suggest
the possibility of a reprieve, at least for awhile.

But of course, there is that theatre, waiting, at the other
end- hundreds of pages and days away, where this reading
will end, like the others before it- the end of another reading
of GR.


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