GR P1 S1: "The Evacuation still proceeds..."

jbor at jbor at
Wed Oct 26 07:39:08 CDT 2005

On 26/10/2005 jporter wrote:

> (What's an "iron queen", for example, a bed? a boat? and, what's
> so old about it? My immediate reflex is to connect it, somehow,
> with the "cockades the color of lead", p.4- for certain reasons, but?)

I'm leaning towards the "iron queen" as a reference to Queen Victoria, 
and/or to a statue of her, of which there are many around the place 
(and not just in England). It seems to tie in quite nicely to the 
reference to the "fall of a crystal palace" which follows. The Crystal 
Palace was also made of iron and glass, and it was one of the great 
monuments and symbols of Victoria's reign.

When it burnt down in 1936 Winston Churchill on his way home from the 
House of Commons said: "This is the end of an age".


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