re Re: "The Evacuation still proceeds..." GR Part 1 Section 1

Otto ottosell at
Wed Oct 26 19:20:21 CDT 2005

I think that this is more than mere semantics. To differentiate between 
the concentration camps on German soil and the pure death camps in 
Poland is what the nazis did too -- in order to prevent that greater 
parts of the German population gained more knowledge of what was 
"really" going on, although many knew that in the so-called "labour 
camps" terrible things were going on, that people were murdered there.

Pynchon's careful conduct of the topic has always impressed me.

Doug wrote:
 > I'm not sure what's gained by a reader who puts
 > himself in the position of a historical personage who,
 > in 1944, in Nazi Germany, somehow doesn't know that
 > millions of Jews and other victims are disappearing,
 > suffering, and dying. An interesting thought
 > experiment, I guess.

But it's exactly the experiment the reader makes. To get an idea of the 
WW2-atmosphere the reader must be aware that most of the characters 
possibly could have no proper knowledge about the death camps in the 
east at that time.



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