GR P1 S1: "The Evacuation still proceeds..."

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Thu Oct 27 02:57:40 CDT 2005

On Oct 26, 2005, at 10:38 PM, Scott Badger wrote:

> Paul:
> >At the same time it must be noted that historically those charged  
> with obtaining an Allied  military victory--as represented  by  
> Prirate and his employer--would not and could not have had the  
> plight of Jews, even if it had been more fully understood, on the  
> front burner of  their consciousness. If Pirate in fact was  
> channelling the situation East, it would have been an  
> extracurricular activity. not one sanctioned by the Firm.
> ...but, if what was being done to the Jews was known, at some  
> levels at least, mightn't it have lead to some troubled  
> dreams?....mixed up dreams set in the dreamer's own  
> landscape?....and then, wouldn't it be Pirate's *job* to shoulder  
> the weight of these dreams precisely so the dreamer could stay on  
> task?

I don't know if I understand you correctly but my  thought would be-- 
though  it's a shocking thing to note--that the top-priority pursuit  
of military victory for the Allies could not have been particularly  
hindered by what Germany and its collaborators were doing (known and  
unknown) to the Jews. If anything,  the Firm and Pirate would  
logically have preferred the guilty Axis dreamers to continue to  
suffer their own disturbing dreams, have their daytime concentration  
impaired, consciences tweaked. (not that logic always prevails)

All in the pursuit of what I believe FDR termed Mr. Win the War.

As we all know, trying to win wars is a brutal business.

> More interesting, perhaps, then the absence of the Holocaust in GR,  
> is the absence of the War...
> Scott

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