re re re re Re: "The Evacuation still proceeds..." GR Part 1 Section 1

Keith McMullen keithsz at
Fri Oct 28 20:49:37 CDT 2005

Yeah. Let's not hold up the group reading with any more of this. I'm 
pickier than you are about the use of language.

On Oct 28, 2005, at 7:39 AM, Tim Strzechowski wrote:

I see nothing inaccurate in what I posted, nor do I see how jbor "does 
not" say what he clearly says in the link.  You suggest that I endorse 
half-assed readings with no supportable evidence.  I don't.  Read what 
I said, Keith. 
But hey, why hold up the group read by obviously trying to befuddle and 
> > Must be. Tim makes an inaccurate assertion, then posts a url to a
> > statement by jbor and says it says something it does not.
> >
> > Perhaps we should just smile and nod at everyone's valid readings.
> >

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