GR: screaming

sims sims at
Sat Oct 29 23:45:04 CDT 2005

At 1:51 PM -0700 10/29/05, John Doe wrote:
>This is correct :  ) the "screaming' is in fact an
>air-raid siren at peak frequencey, being compared to
>the "screams" the V-2s belatedly make after descent
>and impact....

In the morning, at lunch, and at the end of the day I can hear an air raid
siren wailing here. Comes directly across Grand Harbor to my flat near
the abandoned Metro bar. Genuine re-built WWll air raid siren. Damn thing
wails if you ask me. Here they seem to love dirges, laments,
and blaming fate more than screaming.  Rockets scream, IMNHO.


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