"The Evacuation still proceeds..." GR Part 1 Section 1
Will Layman
WillLayman at comcast.net
Sun Oct 30 13:41:52 CST 2005
OK, fine, fuck -- enough.
Dude, THIS is what people are talking about with this group reading.
Let it be stipulated: you are very precise and observant. Got it.
On 10/30/05 4:31 PM, "jbor at bigpond.com" <jbor at bigpond.com> wrote:
> Just making the effort to correct Tim's inaccuracy, repeated three or
> so times by him, is all, and to nail down definitions. There are
> certainly direct references to and descriptions of the Dora camp in the
> novel, though not the death camps or the 'Final Solution'.
> best
> On 31/10/2005 David Casseres wrote:
>> Really, folks, is there anything more to be said about the lack of
>> direct reference to the Holocaust? Anything that hasn't been repeated
>> several times in this group read?
>> On 10/28/05, jbor at bigpond.com <jbor at bigpond.com> wrote:
>>> No, what I wrote in the post you've linked is that "the Final
>>> Solution of the Jewish Question' enacted by the SS in the Nazi death
>>> camps -- at Chelmno, Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor, Auschwitz-Birkenau
>>> and
>>> Majdanek, along with Jungfernhof (in Latvia) and Maly Trostinets (in
>>> Byelorussia) -- is nowhere described or referred to in the novel."
>>> Are you arguing that it is? Where? Or are you now saying that this =
>>> "the Holocaust"? But. if you are saying that this = "the Holocaust",
>>> then of course it's nowhere described or referred to in the novel, so
>>> why can't (or shouldn't) anyone contend what is simply a statement of
>>> fact?
>>> Let us know what YOUR ground rules are because they keep changing.
>>> best
>>> On 28/10/2005, at 7:57 PM, Tim Strzechowski wrote:
>>>> Rob (Jbor) said it:
>>>> http://www.waste.org/mail/?list=pynchon-
>>>> l&month=0510&msg=98699&sort=date
>>>> Keith said:
>>>>> No one said this.
>>>>> Email makes for difficult communication.
>>>>> On Oct 27, 2005, at 9:39 PM, Tim Strzechowski wrote:
>>>>> But NO one can (or should) contend that the Holocaust is "nowhere
>>>>> described or referred to in the novel."
>>>>> Tim
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