Joe Allonby joeallonby at
Sun Oct 30 16:53:45 CST 2005

LSD by screwing with your serotonin balance fucks with the "brake" on your
brain. You're not really "high" in the way that you would be if you took a
CNS stimulant like cocaine or amphetamine or an opiate that works on your
endorphin receptors. You are experiencing a different state of consciousness
as a result of removing the governor from your brain's "engine".

I've never seen anyone go into withdrawal from LSD. I've seen what happens
when people suddenly stop taking an SSRI. When that happens, things get real
weird real fast.

On 10/29/05, Blake Stacey <blake.stacey at> wrote:
> Quoting Otto <ottosell at>:
> > In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
> > Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
> >
> And both interfere with the way the brain handles the neurotransmitter
> serotonin. Isn't it a funny world?
> More specifically: Prozac (fluoxetine) is a selective serotonin reuptake
> inhibitor (SSRI), which reduces the amount of serotonin which neurons
> reabsorb
> after releasing it into synapses. LSD, among many other things, is a
> monoamine
> oxidase agonist. The enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) breaks down
> serotonin; LSD
> competes with serotonin for MAO's attentions, thereby increasing the
> amount of
> neurotransmitter floating about. LSD also acts directly upon the same
> receptors which detect serotonin (all of them except 5-HT3 and 5-HT4). Why
> this gets you high is as much a mystery as why Prozac makes you happy --
> or
> makes you kill yourself, depending.
> By mass, LSD is also three orders of magnitude more potent. Ever heard of
> anybody taking Prozac on a blotter? Didn't think so.
> Obligatory Wikipedia links:
> (featured article, yay!)
> Amusement:
> Blake
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