You never did the Kenosha Kid?

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Tue Sep 6 08:59:08 CDT 2005

I suggest that Pynchon found in Parkhill's story
the abject man, numbered with the transgressors,
a law unto himself, and at odds with "the law":
desparate/despair, set apart from common folk.

The Kenosha Kid character is a sort of Robin
> Hood-like anti-hero I guess, which would have
> appealed to Slothrop (and to Pynchon)

Forbes Parkhill

Hatred and dread hung over the town like a pall.
Pard turned against pard;
every man suspected his neighbor.
And to solve that mystery,
The Kenosha Kid--
Robinhood of straights and flushes--
plays his most thrilling game for a desperation jackpot.

The sharp command to "elevate" caught "The Kenosha Kid" unawares.
(The day of the Ascent and sacrifice. A nation-wide observance.
Fats searing, blood dripping and burning to a salty brown .  .  .  )
Sodium amytal is not "truth serum" and individuals can lie or otherwise
report misinformation under the influence of this barbiturate. However,
individuals with dissociation of identity typically respond with overt
symptoms and signs of their dissociative disorder...

I remind you of my post, quoted here:
<br>Subject: Re: Kenosha Kid sequence as an onomatopoeia of schizophrenia

        Existant Naught.

 (1) A letter is sent from Slothrop (at the address "TDY
 Abreaction Ward, St. Veronica's Hospital") to "The Kenosha
 Kid, General Delivery, Kenosha, Wisconsin", asking "Did I
 ever bother you, ever, for anything, in your life?" The
 answer comes back

 You never did.

 The Kenosha Kid

        Words... "You never did 'the,' Kenosha Kid!"

 (4) And at the end of the mighty day in which he gave us in
 fiery letters across the sky all the words we'd ever need,
 words we enjoy today, and fill our dictionaries with, the
 meek voice of little Tyrone Slothrop, celebrated ever after
 in tradition and song, ventured to filter upward to the
 Kid's attention: "You never did 'the,' Kenosha Kid!"


 (6) (The day of the Ascent and sacrifice. A nation-wide
 observance. Fats searing, blood dripping and burning to a
 salty brown ... ) You did the Charlottesville shoat, check,
 the Forest Hills foal, check. (Fading now ... ) The Laredo
 lamb, check. Oh-oh. Wait. What's this, Slothrop? You never
 did the Kenosha kid. Snap to, Slothrop.

        Active Never as death:
        The "possibility of the impossibility of being"

 Slothrop: Where is he? Why didn't he show? Who are you?

 Voice: The Kid got busted. And you know me, Slothrop.
 Remember? I'm Never.

 Slothrop (peering): You, Never? (A pause.) Did the Kenosha

That is, "Did the Kenosha Kid ever know you, Death?"

    sky pilot: AF.
he was rigged out very much like a parson,
in black store clothes and a black felt hat.
But no sky pilot ever boasted such a map.
It was unmasked, pallid, flat, with a nose...

    set apart
She stood looking after him, puzzled,
until he had pushed through the door.
He drew a deep breath as he reached the boardwalk.
It started out as a breath of relief,
but ended in a sigh of regret.
A professional gambler,
accepted among men at his face value,
is outside the social pale,
even in the range country.
Here was the first girl he'd ever seen
whom he really longed to know better.
A cat may look at a queen,
and so may a gambler,
but that's as far as he may go.

        reading... Know.

 To his astonishment she held out a slender hand to him and,
 smiling faintly,
 "I owe you an apology for what I said to you yesterday,
 What you've done for my brothcr since then shows me you
 have done your best to--
 to make amends.
 Won't you corne in?"
 The Kid was taken aback.
 He followed her into the boarding house parlor and• perched
 himself on the edge of the horsehair sofa,
 twirling his Stetson in his hands self-consciously.
 Of course she had learned of Larry's escape--
 the whole town knew about it.
 But her words indicated she knew who had aided in his
 "How d'yuh know,

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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