NP Willing Executioners?

Bekah bekah0176 at
Tue Sep 27 08:57:03 CDT 2005

At 10:00 AM +0200 9/27/05, François Monti wrote:
>Bekah wrote:
>>    I think that Stalin was equated with Bolshevism more than Jews 
>>were,  although I'm not denying that "Jewish Bolsheviks" were 
>Jews = bosheviks was a common belief in the 1920's and 1930's.

I understand that,  I wonder how many people believed it because 12% 
of the voters voted Communist and only 1% of the population were Jews 
(1933) .    Those 12% obviously did not buy into equating the 
Bolshevism and Jewishness and I'm sure that there were a lot more 
people who knew better.   Stalin was not overly friendly to Jews even 
if they were instrumental in revolutionary thought and action. He was 
busily "purging" the Jewish Bolsheviks in the 20s and 30s.


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