intelligent design / defining terms /
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper at
Fri Sep 30 07:58:09 CDT 2005
> Glenn Scheper wrote:
> Such things, though not peer-repeatable, are NOT "zero evidence".
> --
> Of what,
> though?
> Not to denigrate your dream,
> I have a similar outlook to yours in many ways and respect
> the Gnostic tradition.
> Evidence of possible precognition,
> of tuning into some larger reality than one's own existence
> or what we see on TV or read,
> yes.
> Evidence of a brand of deity?
> this piece of ground i'm standing on is connected to a land
> mass,
> which is part of a world,
> which seems to be part of a larger system that I've read
> some reasonable facts about,
> and beyond that I honestly can't say what's going on
> Religion seems to be the attempt by its propagators to
> convince others that they know more than that.
> But I find the argument by authority (to expect people to
> believe that "this guy in a robe speaking Latin"
> or,
> later,
> "this leather-bound book written by people living in a
> patriarchal society thousands of years ago"
> has all the answers)
> extraordinarily unconvincing compared to the tradition of
> free thought and scientific inquiry celebrated by and in
> people like Galileo,
> Copernicus,
> Crick and Watson,
> John Stuart Mill -
> "this makes sense,
> sheds a little more light,
> and perhaps we can vault from it to a new level of
> understanding"
> However,
> human experience -
> mine,
> at any rate -
> doesn't completely consist of skepticism and logical
> thought.
> It probably won't be popular with religious people,
> but I submit that the willing suspension of disbelief when
> reading fiction flows from the same source as religious
> belief,
> and its abilities to develop the soul stem from a similar
> widening of one's point of view,
> a willingness to listen to a lengthy story and comprehend
> its rules and derive profit from those contemplations.
> For instance,
> the moral content of Pynchon's fables...
You are right to ask, Of What?
I hold, in "schizophrenic alternation" (Deleuze & Guattari, Anti-Oedipus)
contradictory possible explanations for things, like a weighted vector or
drawing a best fit curve through points, ready to flip-flop as required.
Whether the universe was from a big-bang, or a Spinoza-like emanation of
God, or maybe that is the same thing, is a metaphysical question such as
Buddha had described as "not leading to edification".
The agricultural and animal husbandry metaphors make me feel like an
orphan of the chaotic universe, evanescent as the grass of the earth.
As a brute beast I labour to improve my weal, reduce pain, and keep a
postive cash flow. Beyond that, I am not attached to the happenstance
that I am alive. I AM attached to the appearance of a new thing in me,
the immanance of God, that has arisen, alien, like some body-snatcher.
I speculate such things may be merely an epiphenomenon of the nature
of things, something that quantum mechanics could almost describe in
purely information terms: When I transcended, which I attribute to a
cause of autofellatio, I became self-piercing like a Klein bottle, a
boundary of one side which contains all things, and all time, thereby
dying in the fashion of a phoenix, and being born again, now from the
beginning, as I think is the ontology of Christ as shown in the bible.
The praxis of religion is, for me, about meditative tantric exploits,
and I developed for myself an entire lexicon and schema of what some
bible phrases might mean in this realm.
For example, the six-winged seraphim, who with two wings cover their
faces, and with two wings cover their feet (for which word, genital)
and with two wings do fly (accelerate, stimulate) are autocunniligus.
(Can anyone form the right noun for me, autocunnilingtrix? -tresses?)
Whereas, the four six-winged beasts were four whores, full of eyes
(holes) within, even under their wings (labia), who celebrate Fuck!
Finding myself to be a Christ seemed to mandate to change the world,
but most of it goes rapidly to destruction, and that was the design.
Pynchon's stories and phrases (like 42" tall Nerrisa, a standing
autofellator; and I love MMIV) reveal a knowledge of this domain.
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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