
richard baillie richbaillie at
Tue Aug 1 14:36:49 CDT 2006

very good point

some people here have compared TRP with stephenson, GR with

one is accessible to all the other is wildly inaccessible

to me accesibility is the crucial edit with TPR

probably sacriligious to some but i think it could have done with a
tougher edit without losing any of its greatness

earlier and later novels require even more red pen

problem is that most editors, myself included, are nowhere near good
enough to edit pynchon

if i had to suggest a name i would say that someone like salman rushdie
could probably bring something to the party

On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 19:24:26 +0000, "Carvill John"
<johncarvill at> said:
> I've often wondered exactly what qualifications (literally or otherwise)
> are 
> required for the role of editor. Maybe Quail could tell us? The question 
> seems particularly difficult/relevant in the case of someone like Pynchon
> - 
> to what extent would there be what the layman would usually think of as 
> 'editing'? What sort of iron-clad confidence would someone need, for 
> example, to start crossing bits out, or even suggesting cuts or
> amendments 
> etc.?
> Cheers
> JC
  richard baillie
  richbaillie at

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