aw. Re: Gunter Grass Admits to Serving in Hitler's Waffen SS

Kai Frederik Lorentzen kflorentzen at
Tue Aug 15 05:32:39 CDT 2006

> Von: Otto <ottosell at>
> Gesendet: 14.08.06 16:00:12
> An: pynchon-l at
> Betreff: Re: Gunter Grass Admits to Serving in Hitler's Waffen SS

> When you're [acting as - k°] the "good conscience" of your nation 
> you shouldn't have
> such secrets.

> Or is it just clever marketing ! 

That's Theweleit's position: "Wenn Grass den Polls entnimmt, dass nicht 
102 Prozent der Deutschen ihn kennen, dann fällt ihm so etwas ein" 
(quoted after yesterday's 'tageszeitung', p. 16). The new book will be out
in September. It contains tongue-in-cheek-episodes with folks like Louis 
Armstrong or Josef Ratzinger (I love the Pope, the pope ..), so it's not really
an autobiography yet Grass' usual stuff. And next saturday we all shall buy
the FAZ again, 'cause there will be not only outtakes but also additional 
drawings ("Rötelzeichnungen"!) .. Compared to this, Pynchon's current
PR-campaign could be called decent --


PS. A-and then a membership in the Waffen-SS does not exactly qualify you
for the Nobel Prize....


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